Friday, June 17, 2011

Island hopping in Asia :)

We got up early and went to our awesome magical breakfast before our shuttle picked us up for the tour. We waited outside for a while before they finally came and got us. This tour was really awesome and we all had a great time but it did not compare to the tour we did on our own the day before. We went had a full bus by the time everybody got on and the guide took us to this little park where our boats picked us up. They gave us a sticker for lunch and the sticker also said the number of our boat. We could not forget this information because so many boats go to the same location and since we got on and off the boat all day and all of the boats look alike we had to remember to get on our boat. We all took sea sickness medicine before we drove off which was a very good idea even though Alex would argue this one with me but he still ended up taking it finally. The people who didn’t take the tablet got sick and we didn’t! But if Alex didn't take it he strongly believes that he would not have got sick, he is pretty much all wrong though.

We were on the boat for about 20 minutes before we saw our first stop- Koh Phi Phi. While we were on the boat to get here, there was a huge tornado in the distance that looked like it was making its way over to us.
It never got that close to us but I thought it looked like it was getting closer to us. Nobody else seemed to care but me so I just got over it and hopped for the best. It was really cool to see but it was a little adrenalin rush because we could see it so clear and it was really strong. At the bottom of the tornado where it was touching the water, the water was splashing up so high. You can’t tell in the pictures but the water was just spraying so high up into the air. And I can tell I am not explaining this good enough so I will leave it there.
Even though there was a tornado, it was a beautiful day. Our first stop was a beach with two big, tall islands on each side of us, this is called Koh Phi Phi. The beach water was amazing and a beautiful green colour (my aussie spell check is making me put a U in colour even though it doesn’t have one in the English dictionary). This stop was awesome and the sand was so nice.
The tour guide told us to leave our shoes on the boat because we didn’t need them. We only had about 45 minutes here so we wanted to see as much as we could. We went on this trail walk where we saw some other beautiful islands from here and did a little circle walk that brought us back to the beach.
. I played with my camera again and took some pretty cool pictures where the colour of the water stood out really well and everything else was black and white. At the end of our “bush walk” we swam in water for a little bit. Just enough time to pee and get out.
From inside this little cove we could not see the tornado anymore because it was behind these little island mountains.
After walking around this island for a while, our next stop was on this coral. We got to feed the fish here and go snorkelling. This was so amazing except the fact that the mask we got really sucked and leaked so we had to come up above the water every 1 to 2 minutes to empty our masks out.
We saw a ton of these yellow and blue stripped fish and we also saw some colourful clown fish. We got to snorkel for a while here. It was cool when you fed the fish under water they would just come gather around you every way until all the food was gone.
. It was a cool slimy feeling because there were so many fish touching you and racing to get the food. This is my favourite picture of Alex because it looks like this clown fish is posing for this picture also. He is looking straight into the camera with Alex, hahaha!
It was so cool because when we were under water we got to see the underwater life with the coral and the fish and when we came up to rinse out our masks we got to see the most beautiful land scenery ever so either way you couldn’t lose. My underwater camera was a great investment for my study abroad experience and I am glad I get to share the photos with all my readers!
Once we were done swimming with the fish we went to the monkey island. Here there were so many wild monkeys everywhere and we fed them bananas and one of the employees gave a monkey a cup of juice to drink.
It was really cute to see all of the monkeys and baby monkeys eat and drink like humans. They peeled the bananas open faster than a machine could ever even open a banana. One of the fat grandpa monkeys ate like 5 bananas and his cheeks were so full of bananas he didn’t give himself any time to swallow. He was soo funny! It was cool to see the baby monkeys latched on to their moms.
The parent monkeys were so greedy though and when they were getting fed bananas they didn’t even share the food with their babies that were holding onto the mom’s stomachs. They were latched on so tight, it was cute.
Once we left here we stayed on this other beach for about two hours. People were coming up to you every 2 minutes selling ice-cream, jewellery, soda and whatever else you can think of. Swimming here was awesome also because the colourful fish were not even scared of you at all. They swam around you like you were just another fish.
We could snorkel here if we wanted to but none of us wanted to. I just wanted to lay on the beach and take a nap. I think I fell asleep for maybe 20 minutes and then Jourdan, Carly and I went to the different shops and walked around for a while. None of us got anything here but it was just something to do to get out of the sun for a while.
The water here was the same green as the other two places we were before and was so beautiful. Again, this was just another experience that I can’t waste my time to explain because it will not be worth it.
I am trying to give it all I got though. Not sure how it’s going but I hope you are kind of getting the gist. The pictures should help a little bit at least.

At some point during the day we also stopped off at this beautiful island and had lunch. The lunch was just okay, nothing too spectacular but at least we got fed. It was like a buffet but… not a magical buffet like our hotel breakfast. Once this tour was over we drove on the boat for about a half hour until we got back to Phuket.
When we got back we were all tired and hungry again because it had been awhile since we ate. We ate somewhere that I don’t know where but it was probably some delicious, amazing, $3 Thai meal that made me full. And then after that I am sure we went swimming again at our special spot at Phuket beach.
We all had a great day out at Koh Phi Phi and exploring the different islands around Phuket. This was our last full day together in Phuket. After this day it was time to arrange our plans to head North again to catch our flight to Bangkok.
Also we went swimming this night also! We did really good at keeping up on our tradition because it was always so hot and humid, even at night time so the swimming was a great way to cool off and wash off all of our sweat :)
Sa-wat-dee Kah (just for now)

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