Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crap day but 100% worth the reward!

I am going to have to say that yesterday was… BY FAR the most annoying, day I have had in Australia so far. All of my days are pretty good, some are a little boring but at least I am bored in Australia and if I think of it that way then that I am automatically not bored anymore. Yesterday was the exception. It was a Thursday and I was leaving for Thailand Friday. I had to give a 15 minute presentation that I pretty much nailed and that was awesome and felt amazing. It was about factory farming and everything they provide for us, such as; horrible health conditions, the most systematic animal abuse in the world and the toll our environment is taking because of these. Those were my three main points and I learned a lot while doing this. It was a very time consuming preparation so all of my time was spent on making this presentation perfect, so I didn’t put much time in my other final project for my other class (but I still did a little bit). I wore this shirt while I was presenting and it was really funny. It was Ahmad’s shirt but he gave it to me because he said I should wear it to my presentation because it was appropriate for my topic.
<- Control S is how you save files on your computer so its saying control S to save the world... its weird but Ahmad always has weird shirts that are really confusing to figure out. After my presentation I had to go to the lab and work on my other project that I had to turn in a week early in order to make this Thailand trip possible. I worked on that for my two hour break before I had class from 2-6pm straight. I didn’t get a ton done but I got a start and then I went to lunch at a place on campus and then I ran home and got a sweater and filled up my Nalgene. I went to my 2pm class and the teacher let us work on our projects the whole time. I didn’t get much done while she was there because she is absolutely no help at all and she hates Americans. She has never said that obviously but I know she does and so does everybody else in the class. We had presentations from 10-12, then this class was 2-4 and then I had one immediately after from 4-6 which I had to miss because I was at a point in my project where if I went to my last class the possibilities of finishing it were going to be next to impossible. So, I had to miss some stuff on the test that we went over but I have some good friends that will give me their notes for when the test comes up. So I was at the lab working in InDesign on my project from 1:30-8pm at night. I finished it and I couldn’t look into it for another second. At about 7pm the program that we had to use in order to do this project (InDesign) had a schizophrenic freak out and decided to lock my project up and delete it. It wasn’t totally deleted it was just deleted enough where it wasn’t going “restore” it and let me print or access it. At this point I pretty much freaked out and wanted to just fall on my knees and cry after I threw the computer out the window. Before the teacher left for the night she said, “make sure you save your projects because I have already had two students leave here crying because they deleted them”. Well, I made sure I saved mine and I learned that the two people that deleted theirs probably saved there’s also but the stupid most annoying program ever designed deleted them. My story had a happy ending. I called Anas after playing with this for about ten minutes and I kept getting the same stupid messages. “It is saved but you can’t access it, make changes or print it, or save it on your USB drive”. So called Anas and he was at home watching a movie with Seppy. I said Anas, I need you to come to the computer lab right now and help me. I think he heard it in my voice that I was stressed out and that this was a big problem. And he had to know it was serious if I was asking him to walk all the way to the computer lab in the dark and cold to assist my problems. He did and when he was about 30 second away it was fixed! There was a girl in the computer lab that was working on the same assignment and she came to my computer and tried to get it back and she said I don’t think it is going to work, but then magically it did! So I ran outside and told Anas and I think he was mad at first but when he heard what had happened and saw my relief he wasn’t mad. So I was able to finish it and print it and the assignment turned out beautiful. I showed Anas my final draft and he was impressed with the work I did (I am not very good with computers but I had to learn this program in order to do this final project). I worked on this for 7 hours straight with no food breaks. I had my Nalgene full of water and I had a bathroom that was just outside and around the corner so I was fine. Once I finished it was the biggest relief. It finally seemed like I was actually going to THAILAND TOMORROW! I couldn’t even think about Thailand all week because I had to work on this project and my presentation and I knew that I had to do that before I went to Thailand and that was so much work that it seemed like I wasn’t even going. I rode Nigel home and made as much food as I could (I was starving). Then I cleaned my room, did 2 loads of laundry and packed to go WOO HOO! After I packed Anas, Seppy and I went on a walk. Anas and I go on a lot of walks just cus it’s nice to get outside and out of the apartments sometimes and gossip and talk. We all know that our time together is slowly coming to an end and we won’t get to see each other that many more times so we just have to try to go on walks if there is nothing else going on and we are both home. After our walk I did a little more last minute cleaning (since when I get back Shawna will be there waiting for me). I finished my laundry and went through the check list of if I have everything packed for Thailand!!!

PS. As soon as I walked out of the lab with my printed assignment I was FREEE and no longer in a bad mood, just a happy, and hungry mood! And I love InDesign because my assignment is beautiful. I will try and show a picture on here if I can.

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