Thursday, May 5, 2011

Back in OZ

We were supposed to be home on Saturday by 4pm but instead we made it home at 10pm because of long delays and plane trouble. I was so anxious and overly ready to be home because I had been traveling for 15 days so I was ready. Although I loved every second of every adventure and every day I was still so excited to be home. I put my key in the gate and watched it slowly open and once I stepped foot inside my apartment complex it was the best feeling because I knew I was home. Anas and I walked back to our "flats" (Aussie name for apartments) and I think we were both excited to be back. I don't think he would admit it because he wanted to stay longer but inside I think he was just as happy to be home as I was. We gave each other a high five as a successful trip cheers and walked back to our rooms. He lives about 30 feet and 30 stair up from me. I live at the bottom and around the corner.

So I made it home and I was SOO happy. I said hi to my roomie Sebastian (Seppy) and unlocked my room. As I was unlocking it this little treat came out from the crack at the bottom to say hi, it was a cockroach. I screamed but once I realized it was just a cockroach I was fine. It ran into Hayley's room right across from mine anyway so I didn't have to kill it. Apparently they are very clean bugs. And they are harmless so I don't know why people hate them so much. I mean I don't love em or anything but if its not gonna bite me I am okay with it. Not that I would want it in my bed or anything I am just okay with them, nothing more.

Anyways Seppy and I just gossiped about our trips for awhile as I unpacked and then I went to bed. I had the best sleep I have had since I have been here.

I think I forgot to add something in my blog so I will just add it here. It is a very inconvenient spot but I just really don't want to forget it. And if I already put it in where it was supposed to go then it can just be in my blog twice: We were in a 5.3 earthquake at 7:08am the same morning we left Christchurch. As of today Christchurch has had 7,000 aftershocks so that is just crazy. I am glad we didn't spend much time there. I slept through the 5.3 earthquake. I don't really know how because I woke up about 20 minutes after it and was wide awake. But I think I had a dream of the earthquake as it was happening, I just didn't wake up. It was weird. I just had to add that really quick. Now I will tell you about my week.

My week has been pretty boring. At the beginning of the week I was not bored. I was stressed because I thought I had to do so many assignments and turn them in so I wouldn't have to do them while Ian was here but then I figured out I labeled my calendar wrong because I counted the weeks we didn't have school as school weeks so they really are not due for a while. I will still have to work on them while Ian is here but not a lot and now I am not as stressed. It would make more since if our teachers just gave us dates that our assignments were due but instead we get what week they are due in. Oh well, at least my mistake benefited me and I got a lot of research done way before my assignment was even due (that is what an over achiever would do) :).

So I still have one assignment to turn in while Ian is here and I am just finishing it up to turn in early. I have all day tomorrow to finish it. The rest of the week I just hung out with Hayley and it was really nice so we went to the pool.
And I just did other important productive stuff all week. Homework, laundry, clean, classes, grocery shop etc. The morning I woke up I rode Nigel (bike) to fruit and veg which is a store that only sells fruit and veggies and milk and eggs (if you didn't catch on the the name of the store, haha). It is the store that is really close to my apartment and the other grocery store is far so I waited and went with Alice cus she has a car. And then I went with her roommie Brenden again a day later to get the stuff I forgot. He just asked if I need to go and I said okay cus I know I forgot some stuff, hahaha. Everything else this week was pretty boring. As I said just homework, laundry, cleaning, pool time, gym, etc. I cant really think of anything else I did.

Oh yeah, Workout Wednesday with Hayley. We got our butts kicked (as always).

Tomorrow morning (Friday=no classes)I am waking up at 7:30am and taking Nigel to this gym that is a mile away. I got a free trial so I am going to do a 30 minute ab work out called "ABS BLAST" and then right after that I will do an hour workout class that is called "BODY COMBAT" sounds fun huh! I will get done around 10:15, ride Nigel home (hope I don't get pulled over for not wearing a helmet), eat and then work on my paper. When I think I need a break from my paper I will go to the pool and lay out in the sun for an hour or something and then come home and finish my paper again after relaxing for awhile. Then I will turn it in, have dinner probably and do whatever else comes up that will waste time. And then I will go to bed and hopefully fall asleep and then when I wake up IAN WILL BE HERE!!! The most exciting part of my trip will start (yes, when I say trip I mean studies) :). He will be here Saturday morning around 8 or 9am. It depends on how fast he can get through customs and how fast his shuttle driver drives. But I am SOOO excited.

Then he will want to shower and eat because that's the first things I wanted to do after that LOOOOONG, never ending flight. And then he should sleep for an hour or two. and then at 3:15 we will go back to the airport and catch our flight to Cairns to the Great Barrier Reef. So it will be a long day for him but 1-2 hours of sleep will be good then he has to try and stay awake until at least 10pm so he can get on an Australian sleeping schedule right away. And we have a 5 hour energy shot that will help him. I doubt those shots are good for you in any way but situations like this is when its okay to have 1. It will be necessary. Unless he happens to get a good nights sleep on the air plane and is wide awake when he gets here and ready to start his day. But I think that is pretty much impossible. If he is anything like I was then once he gets that one night of good sleep then he will wake up abnormally early for a few days. I woke up around 5 am for the first 2 weeks I was here.

Anyway, I am tired and this blog is boring me! I will write agian once Ian is here since you already know exactly how my day is going to go tomorrow!

Bye Bye!

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