Once we got to Hervey Bay (3 hour drive) Sharnie showed us a couple hot spots in her town like her old school, friends houses, good pubs, etc. We got to her house and ate Pizza for dinner, gossiped with her parents for a few and then went to the pub so she could meet some of her friends. We got a drink and met some of her friends from her hometown and that was really fun. Then we went to this other place that was fun also. It was more fun laughing at her friends though because they had a couple of drinks and were planning on staying out. Natalie and I were really tired so we decided not to stay out too late. After we left the second place we just drove home and got ready for bed. Sharnie has the cutest dog named Herbey and I absolutely loved him! He was so cute and he loved me to. He made me really miss Abby! I love having dogs around and I don't think I will ever go through life without having a dog (or two) :). I wanted him to sleep with me but he has his own bed
Sunday morning we left her parents house and drove home and since her little brother's soccer game on our way home we stopped to watch him play. It was fun even though it wasn't a real game it was just like a short scrimmage and it started raining. We didn't get too wet because the game got over right as it rained. Then we said bye and headed home.
When we got home I worked on my blogs and I worked out from 4:30-6, (I only remember that because the gym is only open for 2 hours on Sundays) I ran a 5K because I felt that I needed to work off some of my delicious food and then I rode the bikes for 8 miles and in between those two cardio activities I did weights, lunges, and did some abs. And then the rest of the week I worked out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then I didn't work out Thursday because I had my Relay for Life cancer night and I knew I was probably going to need to be rested for that because it was an all night track-a-thon pretty much ( haha, I made that name up and I will tell you more about why in my next post). It was intense but a lot of fun!
So that was my weekend at Sharnie's and now I will write a little blog (hopefully little) and post up some pictures of the experience I had for the cancer research event I attended all night yesterday. Friday starting at 6pm going all night until Saturday 7am! I will take a break before I start that blog :)
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