Alright, so after meeting Lorraine and John and having a delicious home cooked dinner just like mom or grandma, we went to bed and I woke up at 7am (5am Aussie time) and ate cereal with a banana and packed my lunch. I arrived on the build site at about 8am maybe a little before and started building a house (haha). I did a few little odd jobs that needed to be done and cleaned up a little bit and just did miscellaneous things like that for awhile. Mike is the guy in-charge, he is the one who knows his stuff about building a house and he put us all on jobs and showed us what to do and how to do it and fun stuff like that.
We worked with the families that were going to be moving into these houses. Whatever family moves into the house they have to work 500 hours on either their own house or others being built with Habitat. So it was a really great feeling to be working with these families because they were so excited to have all of the help from volunteers to get their house built faster so they could move in. I cant even begin to imagine how excited and anxious they feel right now as their house is being built. This one lady, Sammie is moving into one of the 5 bedroom houses we worked on with her four children. Her oldest daughter is 15 so as soon as she turns 16 she can come help build with her mom to knock off some of the hours for their family. Most of the families that are moving into these houses are living with other big families in a small house and have been living like this for such a long time. It really gives the whole family so much opportunity to get to live in these houses because the children get to have better educations because they are in a comfortable living environment and they are not moving around and many other reasons. In order to live in the houses they also have to have a job. So they stay busy. After moving in they do sessions that will teach them how to be a homeowner and how to budget and take care of the house.
After a few hours around 10ish a church group of 5 came to help build. My new friend Sam and me were assigned to do the bathrooms so we pretty much built two bathrooms in two different apartments on our own, (minus some minor details.. I mean major details). We just worked and worked really hard all day long on these bathrooms.
So after we worked really hard on Saturday I got picked up at 4:30 and I was almost the last one to be there so that was good. Everybody else left about an hour earlier than I did but that just means I am an extra hard worker, haha!! So Larraine (my host family) and Margreet (the mother or one of the workers at habitat on Saturday) knew each other because they both do things for Habitat and Margreet and the other people that I worked with on Saturday invited me to go to their church. I had Larraine call Margreet to arrange plans for this ride because I thought it was a good idea to go to church with my new friends that I made and I won’t go on Easter Sunday which will be really weird because I think I have always gone to church on Easter Sunday.
So Larraine picked me up and made me dinner and we ate and then I worked on a little bit of homework, Skyped with Ian then went to bed and got up early to go to church on Sunday. Margreet picked me up and then after church I hung out with Sam and went to Botney which is just a cool little mall with lots of stores and activities going on around. There was a band that played and there was those bungy trampoline jumps and things like that. I got a long sleeve shirt because it was so cold there and I got another water bottle to replace the one I left on the airplane.
After Botany Sam and I went on this little walk around this cute little park to waste time until his dad came and picked us up. Sam’s dad brought me back to Larraine and Johns house and Larraine and I hit the big town of Auckland and she showed me all of the hotspots and taught me a few fun facts about Auckland. Auckland is the largest city geographically in the whole entire world. Also I learned that there are 49 volcanoes in Auckland and we went up to one and got to see it plus on my little mini tour with her, I probably saw about 7 different volcanoes.
Then we drove through town for awhile longer and looked at other hot spots and then went home and ate dinner at a Thai restaurant and that was really nice. Everything was just so perfect and great and I learned so much by doing this extra week in Auckland. And had so much fun and got a lot done all in that amount of time.
The next morning (Monday) Larraine and I woke up early and worked at the Habitat for Humanity second hand store. It was a lot of fun and I feel like I did a lot and helped make the store a little nicer. We worked really hard on the clothes section because there was so many clothes that needed to be put out and organized so we organized that whole section and made a male and female section and made certain sections for small, medium and large clothing because before it was just all clumped together and not organized at all before. This will really help people and point them in the right direction when they are looking for something. I also did a few other miscellaneous jobs that I found here and there but it was actually a really enjoyable job. I really liked doing that and I feel that it is so nice to volunteer because you can work hard and make a difference but it can be on your own schedule and not have to be so by the book in a real job and listen to a boss every second. Plus I just kind of like the company and walking around and going back and doing what I think needed to be done to make it a more appropriate place.
Between Larraine and I we definitely did some damage on the clothes section and it looks so much better than it did before we worked on it. There is still so much more work that needs to be done in that store and I feel like if I had a whole month to just work there I could make it so much better but I just have to deal with the fact that it was just for one day and be happy with the job I did.
After Larraine and I left the store we came home and relaxed a bit and then Sam’s mom invited me over to her house because she was cooking dinner for Joanna, Nick and Sam (Joanna and Nick also worked at Habitat on Monday and built houses with me and they were from the church program also) so she invited me to come along also so Larraine drove me to Sam’s mom’s house and we had a nice dinner and hung out and watched desperate house wives and then Jackie (Sam’s mom) drove me home.
I got home and went to bed and then woke up early morning on Tuesday and met Sam at Habitat and we finished the bathrooms. We actually didn’t finish them but we got so much done on them so now they can be ready for the next step. As soon as we finished that job around 2pm we got dropped off in the City of Auckland to walk around and explore. We were going to go to an underwater place with penguins and sharks but it was closed by the time we walked over that way. Instead we walked around and saw some cool views of the city and played around in the parks and got ice cream and waited for Sam’s dad to come pick us up at 6.
This was my wonderful experience in Auckland and I wish I could write more but I am just so tired and behind that I just want to post this blog to get it out of the way so I can get caught up and write everyday instead of save so much to do all at once. I am in Christchurch now and I have been here for two days so tomorrow I will write more about those days but just so you know they were so awesome and you don’t want to miss it : )!
When he picked us up he then drove me back to Larraine and John’s house and I worked on homework and got a lot of research done for my paper that I am going to write. Then I went to bed because my plane was leaving in the morning from Auckland to Christchurch.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
To Auckland New Z we go
I know I said I was going to write everyday while in New Zealand but I meant to say I was going to TRY everyday that I was in the South Island and I am just in the North right now : ). But anyway, let me give you a quick (I am shooting for quick anyway) update on the last couple of days.
Friday morning (moUrning if you are an Ozzie or Kiwi) I hopped on my shuttle from Uni to Brisbane Airport. It is about an hour and some change and it was a great ride. I got picked up at the front gate with a shutle full of people who were 50 and above in age. I got to talking to the people sitting next to me and they were a wonderful couple. They were so nice and great and we became really good friends. They were on their way on a three week cruise up around Australia and stopping in Bali for a night also. They were excited about their trip and we just talked for the whole hour until our necks got sore from looking over at eachother, haha! We talked and they gave me their number. They are going to take Ian and I on a hike that is very close to their house overlooking the ocean and have us over for dinner. I think it will be a really great night when we do that, they are so nice. When we got to the airport we were all going to get a coffee together (yes, I started drinking coffee again but I think my bladder is doing alright lately, weird ay?) but sadly my drop off to get to my gate to load my plane was about 5Ks away since I was travelling internationally and they were just flying to Sydney. So we didn't get to have coffee together but we are defintealy going to catch up when they get back from their cruise in 3 weeks which will fall exactly at the time that Ian arrives (YIPPYY!) : ).
So after I got dropped off I just wandered around the airport, got a coffee and ate a sandwich. Then I loaded my plane and it was a bore for the next 2.5 hours as I flew over the ocean. I did watch a movie though and it was cute, it was a chick flick. As soon as my movie got over the plane landed in Auckland New Zealand.
I left the airport very sad because I lost my Nalgene on the plane and didn't get it back even though I even went back and tried to get it we couldn't find it (I knew exactly where it was but they didn't let me on to get it). So it took me a couple extra minutes to try and go get my Nalgene back because I really didn't want to accept the fact that it was gone forever. I had it for so long and now it was gone because the security lady was blind and she just pretended to go "look" for it and came back and said she couldn't find it but I told her the exact seat number and I bet she didn't even try and look. I think she was just laughing inside her head because I was so upset because I lost a water bottle. But not any water bottle, my Nalgene that I had for so long. UGH, so I was sad about that but I finally accepted the fact that I would have to buy a new one (and I did) and it was gone forever :(.
Then I walked out and got my luggage and met Lorrane who was holding a sign with my name on it. We had a quick hello and smile but then we were on our way out through a big croud and not much was said till we got in the car. Lorrane and her husband John have guests at their house all the time because people come to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and they open up their house to volunteers. They have been involved with Habitat for 15 years and always have guests all year round, they like the company. Counting all of their kids (6 from Lorrane and 3 from John) they have 9 kids and they are all grown up and spread out including some in Auckland. Therefore they have a lot of grandkids which I didn't get to meet any of them, but that is just a little bit of information. We got back to their house and ate dinner and chatted for a bit and then it was bed time. I had a long day ahead of me building houses so I tried to get to bed early to be rested for my long day on Saturday.
To be continued on next blog post, "Habitat for Humanity, Auckland New Zealand"
Friday morning (moUrning if you are an Ozzie or Kiwi) I hopped on my shuttle from Uni to Brisbane Airport. It is about an hour and some change and it was a great ride. I got picked up at the front gate with a shutle full of people who were 50 and above in age. I got to talking to the people sitting next to me and they were a wonderful couple. They were so nice and great and we became really good friends. They were on their way on a three week cruise up around Australia and stopping in Bali for a night also. They were excited about their trip and we just talked for the whole hour until our necks got sore from looking over at eachother, haha! We talked and they gave me their number. They are going to take Ian and I on a hike that is very close to their house overlooking the ocean and have us over for dinner. I think it will be a really great night when we do that, they are so nice. When we got to the airport we were all going to get a coffee together (yes, I started drinking coffee again but I think my bladder is doing alright lately, weird ay?) but sadly my drop off to get to my gate to load my plane was about 5Ks away since I was travelling internationally and they were just flying to Sydney. So we didn't get to have coffee together but we are defintealy going to catch up when they get back from their cruise in 3 weeks which will fall exactly at the time that Ian arrives (YIPPYY!) : ).
So after I got dropped off I just wandered around the airport, got a coffee and ate a sandwich. Then I loaded my plane and it was a bore for the next 2.5 hours as I flew over the ocean. I did watch a movie though and it was cute, it was a chick flick. As soon as my movie got over the plane landed in Auckland New Zealand.
I left the airport very sad because I lost my Nalgene on the plane and didn't get it back even though I even went back and tried to get it we couldn't find it (I knew exactly where it was but they didn't let me on to get it). So it took me a couple extra minutes to try and go get my Nalgene back because I really didn't want to accept the fact that it was gone forever. I had it for so long and now it was gone because the security lady was blind and she just pretended to go "look" for it and came back and said she couldn't find it but I told her the exact seat number and I bet she didn't even try and look. I think she was just laughing inside her head because I was so upset because I lost a water bottle. But not any water bottle, my Nalgene that I had for so long. UGH, so I was sad about that but I finally accepted the fact that I would have to buy a new one (and I did) and it was gone forever :(.
Then I walked out and got my luggage and met Lorrane who was holding a sign with my name on it. We had a quick hello and smile but then we were on our way out through a big croud and not much was said till we got in the car. Lorrane and her husband John have guests at their house all the time because people come to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and they open up their house to volunteers. They have been involved with Habitat for 15 years and always have guests all year round, they like the company. Counting all of their kids (6 from Lorrane and 3 from John) they have 9 kids and they are all grown up and spread out including some in Auckland. Therefore they have a lot of grandkids which I didn't get to meet any of them, but that is just a little bit of information. We got back to their house and ate dinner and chatted for a bit and then it was bed time. I had a long day ahead of me building houses so I tried to get to bed early to be rested for my long day on Saturday.
To be continued on next blog post, "Habitat for Humanity, Auckland New Zealand"
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Vacation within a Vacation?
Oops, I mean a Vacation in between my studies not a vacation within a vacation :). This is not a vacation at ALL. I am strictly here to learn and I have been hitting the books for 10 hours a day 7 days a week ;). So I get a break from this school thing. Its called a two week Easter break, I think it is equivalent to a spring break plus another week, pshhh.. HA! I sure came to the right country to do my studies! Alright so I am so excited for what this New Zealand trip is going to bring. It is going to be such an amazing experience and I can't even wait.
Starting Friday (today is Tuesday) I will be flying out to Auckland, New Zealand. For those of you who are not good at Geography (Me, Me!) I will explain this to you. New Zealand is separated into two different Islands. These islands are known as the North Island and the South Island. Okay, got it? Good. So Friday I will fly to Auckland, New Zealand which is in the North Island. I am going to be staying one week with an older couple who live in Auckland. This couple has been actively involved with Habitat for Humanity for over 15 years and they are going to let me stay at there house while I am volunteering in Auckland.
Near Auckland in a small town on the out skirts is the poorest community in the whole country. In this area it is normal for about 3-5 families to all share one house because that is the cheapest and the last thing before living on the streets. So Habitat for Humanity is a Christian non-profit organization that works on projects around the world to help different areas with whatever is most needed. Habitat for Humanity was attracted to this site because it is the poorest part of the country and most of the population here live with severe asthma. Asthma in this area is so common because of the humidity. And all of the houses that are being shared by many families are pretty much all rotted out and infected because they were not built right to protect the house from the humidity. The project that I will be working on in the first week of my two week break will be building houses in the community to make more room for the families that are sharing. I will be working on this for about 5 days and in my down time I will be working in the 2nd had store doing jobs that need to be done there.
This is going to be a lot of work but I am so excited and happy to have this opportunity. I think I will learn a lot and it will make me appreciate life more than I already do. I am so excited to meet all of the people I will be working with and I have a feeling I will be in good company the whole time I am there. I cant wait to meet the couple I will be staying with while I am working on this project. All I know is that they have been involved with Habitat for Humanity for over 15 years, they live in a beautiful house and they have raised 9 children. I am assuming all of their children are around my mom's age (that's young of course) :). And I know that they enjoy a glass of wine. That is all of the juice I have on them, haha! I can't wait to meet them. They will be picking me up from the airport on Friday around 5pm.
So after this big adventure I will be flying to the South Island to Christchurch, this may sound familiar because they just had the big earthquake. I think their rebuilding is going really good though, but I am not sure; I'll have to let ya know. So when I get there I will be meeting one of my best friends that I have met in Australia, his name is Anas. Although we have only known each other for 2 months it seems like a lot longer. He is from Germany and we pretty much met right when we got here. He is still working on his English and learning new words but for the most part I think we just learned how to communicate with each other really well. Sometimes it takes him a long time to explain things but I understand almost everything he is going to say and if he is missing a word I can fill it in for him. And I just have to slow down a little bit but he can put everything together that I say (for the most part). When he first got here he said he could not understand me at all and now we talk back and fourth pretty fast, just not as fast as I would with my English speaking friends, haha! But anyway, we will meet in Christchurch, New Zealand on April 20th. He will get there late night on the 19th but I will work on the 19th in Auckland and I will fly out of Auckland on the 20th and be to Christchurch late morning around 10:30am on the 20th. We will then meet up and plan what we will do for 3 days before we start our one week tour.
During our time in the South Island we will be covering a lot of ground. We will start and end in Christchurch but we will go in a circle around the South Island. We will hit Lake Ohau, check out the West Coast of the South Island, Go to Fox Glacier, go to Fiordland, and spend a couple days in the famous Queenstown. This is not all that we will see and do in this time but I don't want to ruin everything, and I have to keep you guys reading my blog somehow so there has to be some surprises :).
Because I will be spending time in one of the most beautiful countries in the world and I will be seeing so much in such a short time I am going to try my VERY hardest to update my blog everyday with pictures so that I don't get behind and have hours of blogging when I get back because I wont have time to blog when I get back. So please hold me to this, haha!
Once I get back I will have one week of school and 3 projects to work on and try and finish before IAN GETS HERE! I am so excited to show him everything and introduce him to all of my friends, except Hayley, Lucy, Alice, Seppy, and Anas because he has already met all of those guys plenty of times. I think he has met a few more people too but I just cant remember.
Well, that is my blog for today so I hope you guys can go on my adventure to New Zealand with me! I will be sure to post so many pictures of both weeks I am there. Hope you guys enjoy !!
Starting Friday (today is Tuesday) I will be flying out to Auckland, New Zealand. For those of you who are not good at Geography (Me, Me!) I will explain this to you. New Zealand is separated into two different Islands. These islands are known as the North Island and the South Island. Okay, got it? Good. So Friday I will fly to Auckland, New Zealand which is in the North Island. I am going to be staying one week with an older couple who live in Auckland. This couple has been actively involved with Habitat for Humanity for over 15 years and they are going to let me stay at there house while I am volunteering in Auckland.
Near Auckland in a small town on the out skirts is the poorest community in the whole country. In this area it is normal for about 3-5 families to all share one house because that is the cheapest and the last thing before living on the streets. So Habitat for Humanity is a Christian non-profit organization that works on projects around the world to help different areas with whatever is most needed. Habitat for Humanity was attracted to this site because it is the poorest part of the country and most of the population here live with severe asthma. Asthma in this area is so common because of the humidity. And all of the houses that are being shared by many families are pretty much all rotted out and infected because they were not built right to protect the house from the humidity. The project that I will be working on in the first week of my two week break will be building houses in the community to make more room for the families that are sharing. I will be working on this for about 5 days and in my down time I will be working in the 2nd had store doing jobs that need to be done there.
This is going to be a lot of work but I am so excited and happy to have this opportunity. I think I will learn a lot and it will make me appreciate life more than I already do. I am so excited to meet all of the people I will be working with and I have a feeling I will be in good company the whole time I am there. I cant wait to meet the couple I will be staying with while I am working on this project. All I know is that they have been involved with Habitat for Humanity for over 15 years, they live in a beautiful house and they have raised 9 children. I am assuming all of their children are around my mom's age (that's young of course) :). And I know that they enjoy a glass of wine. That is all of the juice I have on them, haha! I can't wait to meet them. They will be picking me up from the airport on Friday around 5pm.
So after this big adventure I will be flying to the South Island to Christchurch, this may sound familiar because they just had the big earthquake. I think their rebuilding is going really good though, but I am not sure; I'll have to let ya know. So when I get there I will be meeting one of my best friends that I have met in Australia, his name is Anas. Although we have only known each other for 2 months it seems like a lot longer. He is from Germany and we pretty much met right when we got here. He is still working on his English and learning new words but for the most part I think we just learned how to communicate with each other really well. Sometimes it takes him a long time to explain things but I understand almost everything he is going to say and if he is missing a word I can fill it in for him. And I just have to slow down a little bit but he can put everything together that I say (for the most part). When he first got here he said he could not understand me at all and now we talk back and fourth pretty fast, just not as fast as I would with my English speaking friends, haha! But anyway, we will meet in Christchurch, New Zealand on April 20th. He will get there late night on the 19th but I will work on the 19th in Auckland and I will fly out of Auckland on the 20th and be to Christchurch late morning around 10:30am on the 20th. We will then meet up and plan what we will do for 3 days before we start our one week tour.
During our time in the South Island we will be covering a lot of ground. We will start and end in Christchurch but we will go in a circle around the South Island. We will hit Lake Ohau, check out the West Coast of the South Island, Go to Fox Glacier, go to Fiordland, and spend a couple days in the famous Queenstown. This is not all that we will see and do in this time but I don't want to ruin everything, and I have to keep you guys reading my blog somehow so there has to be some surprises :).
Because I will be spending time in one of the most beautiful countries in the world and I will be seeing so much in such a short time I am going to try my VERY hardest to update my blog everyday with pictures so that I don't get behind and have hours of blogging when I get back because I wont have time to blog when I get back. So please hold me to this, haha!
Once I get back I will have one week of school and 3 projects to work on and try and finish before IAN GETS HERE! I am so excited to show him everything and introduce him to all of my friends, except Hayley, Lucy, Alice, Seppy, and Anas because he has already met all of those guys plenty of times. I think he has met a few more people too but I just cant remember.
Well, that is my blog for today so I hope you guys can go on my adventure to New Zealand with me! I will be sure to post so many pictures of both weeks I am there. Hope you guys enjoy !!
School and Scuba School
Okay, So I have been sucking at this blog thing. I have not said anything for over a week :-/. Oh well, you really haven't missed too much. I have just been going to school, doing "homework", hanging out with Hayley and working out. Just everyday life stuff like that. I have not ran another 10K (6.2 miles) yet but maybe on Thursday I will be able to get that done. I am going to try and run a 10K once a week while I am here. I know some weeks I will miss it but I am going to try and stay on top of it. I just ran 7K (4.2 miles) today and I would do a 10K tomorrow but I have to do two more scuba dives to finish up my certification so that will tire me out enough.
So last week nothing really exciting happened. At least nothing that I can think of right now. I am just trying to get all of my assignments done so that I can take time off of school when Ian gets here to hang out with him and not let school get in the way of enjoying my time with him. It is pretty much going to be the best feeling E-V-E-R to get to see him. Once he gets here it will be 3 months that I have not seen him so I know we will both be so excited. I already know that it is going to be such a good feeling. I am so lucky that he is able to come visit me! I am pretty sure I will be the happiest girl in the world once he gets here. SOOO, that's not for another 25 days so lets just not talk about quite yet.
Last weekend I was supposed to finish up my scuba certification and do my four open water dives. It was supposed to work like this: dives one and two on Saturday and dives three and four on Sunday but unfortunately Saturday the current was too strong to dive so on Sunday I just did dives one and two. It was pretty much the worst experience of my life. I got sea sick and puked the whole entire time. But that didn't stop me from being able to finish my tasks. I still half assed all of the stuff that I had to do even though I was so sick. I think I lost 5lbs. Once I went under water to the coral I felt better and they said that is supposed to happen but once my head hit the air again and my body was still in the water I was just sick again. I will finish dives three and four tomorrow and I got a pill to take. I will take one pill tonight before I go to bed and I will take the other one in the morning right when I wake up. Then I should not get sick again. Dives three and four are supposed to be a lot easier and there are not as many tasks to get approved so as soon as I get the few tasks done then I can just explore the coral and look at the fish and stuff (I think and hope). On Saturday when I was by the coral our group saw a sea turtle and I saw a jelly fish. The sea turtle was really awesome, I think it was a baby. It was still big but just not as big as some others. I couldn't take a picture though because they don't let you take cameras when you are still doing your intro dives because you are still learning everything and another thing attached to you would just make things difficult because you still have to learn where everything is and stuff.
Right now I am certified enough to go with an instructor every time but after tomorrow I will be certified with a card and I will be allowed to go with out an instructor. I think when I go to the Great Barrier Reef with Ian I will go with an instructor because as of right now, I don't feel good enough to go by myself.
I'll talk about today now. Since today and yesterday I finished two assignments all together and I am going to try and get one more done before I go to New Zealand on Friday. I also worked out with Krista this morning and I ran 7K's and then I went to the Pharmacy (Chemist if you are an Aussie) and got some pills to make it so that I am not sea sick.
This afternoon at 1pm I met my new friend Felicity. She is going to be studying at Saint Norbert next semester and she is so awesome. She lives in Australia but will be going to the states in August so she can do a semester there. We actually have two classes together here and we have been working out at the same time at the gym almost every day and just have not noticed each other. We met at the school at one of the Cafe's and got a coffee and talked about school and stuff. She is really excited to come to SNC and I am so excited that she is coming also. She is going to love it and I am excited to show her around the states. I will take her to Chicago and Indiana. I wish I could take her to Montana but I will be taking a J-Term over winter break so by the time I go to Montana she will probably be back in Aussie. So it was really nice to meet her, I am excited that I am going back home with a friend :). I am actually going back with lots of friends, haha! I'm pretty lucky! I feel so lucky and blessed everyday that I get to have such an awesome experience here!
Okay, I will post another blog right after this telling you what I am getting myself into starting Friday and for two weeks! Its quite a treat :)!
So last week nothing really exciting happened. At least nothing that I can think of right now. I am just trying to get all of my assignments done so that I can take time off of school when Ian gets here to hang out with him and not let school get in the way of enjoying my time with him. It is pretty much going to be the best feeling E-V-E-R to get to see him. Once he gets here it will be 3 months that I have not seen him so I know we will both be so excited. I already know that it is going to be such a good feeling. I am so lucky that he is able to come visit me! I am pretty sure I will be the happiest girl in the world once he gets here. SOOO, that's not for another 25 days so lets just not talk about quite yet.
Last weekend I was supposed to finish up my scuba certification and do my four open water dives. It was supposed to work like this: dives one and two on Saturday and dives three and four on Sunday but unfortunately Saturday the current was too strong to dive so on Sunday I just did dives one and two. It was pretty much the worst experience of my life. I got sea sick and puked the whole entire time. But that didn't stop me from being able to finish my tasks. I still half assed all of the stuff that I had to do even though I was so sick. I think I lost 5lbs. Once I went under water to the coral I felt better and they said that is supposed to happen but once my head hit the air again and my body was still in the water I was just sick again. I will finish dives three and four tomorrow and I got a pill to take. I will take one pill tonight before I go to bed and I will take the other one in the morning right when I wake up. Then I should not get sick again. Dives three and four are supposed to be a lot easier and there are not as many tasks to get approved so as soon as I get the few tasks done then I can just explore the coral and look at the fish and stuff (I think and hope). On Saturday when I was by the coral our group saw a sea turtle and I saw a jelly fish. The sea turtle was really awesome, I think it was a baby. It was still big but just not as big as some others. I couldn't take a picture though because they don't let you take cameras when you are still doing your intro dives because you are still learning everything and another thing attached to you would just make things difficult because you still have to learn where everything is and stuff.
Right now I am certified enough to go with an instructor every time but after tomorrow I will be certified with a card and I will be allowed to go with out an instructor. I think when I go to the Great Barrier Reef with Ian I will go with an instructor because as of right now, I don't feel good enough to go by myself.
I'll talk about today now. Since today and yesterday I finished two assignments all together and I am going to try and get one more done before I go to New Zealand on Friday. I also worked out with Krista this morning and I ran 7K's and then I went to the Pharmacy (Chemist if you are an Aussie) and got some pills to make it so that I am not sea sick.
This afternoon at 1pm I met my new friend Felicity. She is going to be studying at Saint Norbert next semester and she is so awesome. She lives in Australia but will be going to the states in August so she can do a semester there. We actually have two classes together here and we have been working out at the same time at the gym almost every day and just have not noticed each other. We met at the school at one of the Cafe's and got a coffee and talked about school and stuff. She is really excited to come to SNC and I am so excited that she is coming also. She is going to love it and I am excited to show her around the states. I will take her to Chicago and Indiana. I wish I could take her to Montana but I will be taking a J-Term over winter break so by the time I go to Montana she will probably be back in Aussie. So it was really nice to meet her, I am excited that I am going back home with a friend :). I am actually going back with lots of friends, haha! I'm pretty lucky! I feel so lucky and blessed everyday that I get to have such an awesome experience here!
Okay, I will post another blog right after this telling you what I am getting myself into starting Friday and for two weeks! Its quite a treat :)!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Relay for Life
Friday night was the night of the Relay for Life event. There were a bunch of different teams from my school and the Sunshine Coast community signed up for this fundraiser to raise money for cancer research. Each team was about 10 people but no more than 14 per team were allowed. So all of the teams worked really hard to fundraise as much money as they could, our team raised $1,821 and our goal was $1000- WOOHOO!
This was the girls on our team!
The event was an all-night event which started at 6pm on Friday and ended at 7am Saturday. Between all of the teams that were signed up one member of each team had to be walking around the track at all times, all night long. There were a bunch of tents in the middle of the track for groups and as you walked around the track some groups made baked goods to sell and donate back to the event. So as you were walking you could stop and buy a treat. Other teams made a bunch of baked goods and bought candy to sell or give out to other teams and they walked around to each tent during the night to make sure everybody was all sugared up : ). All money that was raised for the food, candy and treats was all donated back to the event.
At the start of the night they had an opening ceremony giving thanks for everybody who signed up and for all of the effort that was put in to raise money for this event. They also recognized the cancer survivors who spent the evening with us but most left at a decent hour and came back in the morning for the closing ceremony at 7am. There was a live band almost the whole night and when there was not a live band they played good music. At the start of the event at 6pm there was a countdown from 10 and as soon as we got to one the cancer survivors who were at the event did the first lap around the track holding a huge sign that said “H-O-P-E”. All of the people and teams who attended this event then did the first lap with the cancer survivors and followed behind them. After our first lap all together each team had to have at least one team member walking around the track for the rest of the night.
Our team had a really crappy set up with no chairs so we just put down a bunch of plastic bags and then put like 4-5 blankets over the plastic bags and that was our technique to keep the blankets dry so we can all lay on the ground or sit on the ground throughout the night, it didn’t work. Most of the blankets got wet so it was just more comfortable to be walking around the track the whole night, haha. I think I walked about 9 out of the 14 hours. I am just guessing because I didn't keep track but I didn't sleep at all. I did lay down and try to but it was unsuccessful so I figure I had 9 hours of walking and 5 hours of goofing off. I could be off though. I also played a little Volleyball, Frisbee, and Connect Four to try and stay awake.
At midnight the band stopped and we had a little half hour ceremony remembering why we were there and to think about all of the people who have lost their lives from cancer and to remember all of the survivors who were able to fight and survive. Each person from the team got a white bag that said "hope" and a candle. We put sand in the bags to hold them down and then put the candle in the bag to make it light up. We got to write names or notes or whatever we wanted on the bag and I wrote a note to my Aunt Patty who died 5 years ago from breast cancer. She was my real dad's sister and she was the only aunt that I have had that has ever taken a part of my life. She made it clear to my mom and dad when I was born that nothing was going to keep her from being my Aunt, even though my mom and dad did not have a good relationship.. She made sure to not let their relationship get in between her and my mom which I thought was very special of her to do because that would have been a hard task for anybody considering most of the circumstances at that time. It was really nice to have a special time to think about her and think about what my cousins Jay and Nikki had to go through during the time she was diagnosed till she died and how strong they had to be for her.
After the candle lighting we all did a lap around the track together with all of the lights turned off. That was kind of cool because if I had to guess I think there would have been about 300 people there... I could be off on this also though, haha. So we did that lap together and then set our bags all around the track and the bags stayed lit for the rest of the time. After we did our lap the music came back on and the laps continued. Every two hours we switched the way... I think they did that so we would stay awake, haha!
By the time four am came I was just doing everything I could to stay awake. Pretty much my options were walk some laps and find somebody interesting to walk with, haha! We got some food and a coffee truck came at 5 am (maybe 6, I cant remember) and then at 7am we had the ending ceremony. By 7am they couldn't really say anything that kept me interested in staying so I just left and walked home to my bed. However I did catch one thing... They said that they were not done counting the money we raised yet because it was still coming in from all of our teams but on Saturday at 7am April 2nd we had raised $28,000 for cancer research! WOW! So that was a really good turnout. Also, our school, University of Sunshine Coast was the first school in Queensland to hold a Relay for Life so they were really excited and this was the first time they did it so this event is just going to grow each year. Almost our whole time, but not quite.
So during the ending ceremony I walked home with some other people who left and I brushed my teeth, took out my contacts, put in my ear plugs and put on my eye mask to keep the sun out and I passed out because I just stayed up for 23 hours all together. It was a really fun event and I would do it again but I was sure glad when 7am rolled around because when I am tired, I am not a fun person to be around, haha! I was wayy over my limit of staying awake :).
Oh yeah, and my camera died so I didn't get anymore pictures:). Okay NOW I am done blogging for the night!
Goodnight, time for my ear plugs :)
This was the girls on our team!
The event was an all-night event which started at 6pm on Friday and ended at 7am Saturday. Between all of the teams that were signed up one member of each team had to be walking around the track at all times, all night long. There were a bunch of tents in the middle of the track for groups and as you walked around the track some groups made baked goods to sell and donate back to the event. So as you were walking you could stop and buy a treat. Other teams made a bunch of baked goods and bought candy to sell or give out to other teams and they walked around to each tent during the night to make sure everybody was all sugared up : ). All money that was raised for the food, candy and treats was all donated back to the event.
At the start of the night they had an opening ceremony giving thanks for everybody who signed up and for all of the effort that was put in to raise money for this event. They also recognized the cancer survivors who spent the evening with us but most left at a decent hour and came back in the morning for the closing ceremony at 7am. There was a live band almost the whole night and when there was not a live band they played good music. At the start of the event at 6pm there was a countdown from 10 and as soon as we got to one the cancer survivors who were at the event did the first lap around the track holding a huge sign that said “H-O-P-E”. All of the people and teams who attended this event then did the first lap with the cancer survivors and followed behind them. After our first lap all together each team had to have at least one team member walking around the track for the rest of the night.
Our team had a really crappy set up with no chairs so we just put down a bunch of plastic bags and then put like 4-5 blankets over the plastic bags and that was our technique to keep the blankets dry so we can all lay on the ground or sit on the ground throughout the night, it didn’t work. Most of the blankets got wet so it was just more comfortable to be walking around the track the whole night, haha. I think I walked about 9 out of the 14 hours. I am just guessing because I didn't keep track but I didn't sleep at all. I did lay down and try to but it was unsuccessful so I figure I had 9 hours of walking and 5 hours of goofing off. I could be off though. I also played a little Volleyball, Frisbee, and Connect Four to try and stay awake.
At midnight the band stopped and we had a little half hour ceremony remembering why we were there and to think about all of the people who have lost their lives from cancer and to remember all of the survivors who were able to fight and survive. Each person from the team got a white bag that said "hope" and a candle. We put sand in the bags to hold them down and then put the candle in the bag to make it light up. We got to write names or notes or whatever we wanted on the bag and I wrote a note to my Aunt Patty who died 5 years ago from breast cancer. She was my real dad's sister and she was the only aunt that I have had that has ever taken a part of my life. She made it clear to my mom and dad when I was born that nothing was going to keep her from being my Aunt, even though my mom and dad did not have a good relationship.. She made sure to not let their relationship get in between her and my mom which I thought was very special of her to do because that would have been a hard task for anybody considering most of the circumstances at that time. It was really nice to have a special time to think about her and think about what my cousins Jay and Nikki had to go through during the time she was diagnosed till she died and how strong they had to be for her.
After the candle lighting we all did a lap around the track together with all of the lights turned off. That was kind of cool because if I had to guess I think there would have been about 300 people there... I could be off on this also though, haha. So we did that lap together and then set our bags all around the track and the bags stayed lit for the rest of the time. After we did our lap the music came back on and the laps continued. Every two hours we switched the way... I think they did that so we would stay awake, haha!
By the time four am came I was just doing everything I could to stay awake. Pretty much my options were walk some laps and find somebody interesting to walk with, haha! We got some food and a coffee truck came at 5 am (maybe 6, I cant remember) and then at 7am we had the ending ceremony. By 7am they couldn't really say anything that kept me interested in staying so I just left and walked home to my bed. However I did catch one thing... They said that they were not done counting the money we raised yet because it was still coming in from all of our teams but on Saturday at 7am April 2nd we had raised $28,000 for cancer research! WOW! So that was a really good turnout. Also, our school, University of Sunshine Coast was the first school in Queensland to hold a Relay for Life so they were really excited and this was the first time they did it so this event is just going to grow each year. Almost our whole time, but not quite.
So during the ending ceremony I walked home with some other people who left and I brushed my teeth, took out my contacts, put in my ear plugs and put on my eye mask to keep the sun out and I passed out because I just stayed up for 23 hours all together. It was a really fun event and I would do it again but I was sure glad when 7am rolled around because when I am tired, I am not a fun person to be around, haha! I was wayy over my limit of staying awake :).
Oh yeah, and my camera died so I didn't get anymore pictures:). Okay NOW I am done blogging for the night!
Goodnight, time for my ear plugs :)
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Shiney's House in Hervey Bay
So its Wednesday and I am going to tell you about my weekend last weekend at Sharnie's house... At least I am getting to it before the new weekend comes :). Friday I went to the plaza with Hayley trying to let time go by before we hit the road to go to Hervey Bay to Sharnie's family's house. We spent a little time at the plaza and then I came home and packed. We didn't leave until 4:00pm because Natalie had a teacher's conference that lasted later then it was supposed to.
Once we got to Hervey Bay (3 hour drive) Sharnie showed us a couple hot spots in her town like her old school, friends houses, good pubs, etc. We got to her house and ate Pizza for dinner, gossiped with her parents for a few and then went to the pub so she could meet some of her friends. We got a drink and met some of her friends from her hometown and that was really fun. Then we went to this other place that was fun also. It was more fun laughing at her friends though because they had a couple of drinks and were planning on staying out. Natalie and I were really tired so we decided not to stay out too late. After we left the second place we just drove home and got ready for bed. Sharnie has the cutest dog named Herbey and I absolutely loved him! He was so cute and he loved me to. He made me really miss Abby! I love having dogs around and I don't think I will ever go through life without having a dog (or two) :). I wanted him to sleep with me but he has his own bed

and he should not be on the furniture (I would have allowed it though, shh). So then we woke up on Saturday and spent time looking at the town. From Hervey Bay you can see Fraser Island so that was really cool and also there is a big long pier that we walked to. We walked all the way to the end of it and it was a long walk but it was really nice out so it was a good walk. There were people fishing all up and down the pier and sometimes you can see wildlife like sting rays but we didn't get to see any. We did see a few fish though. After we walked back from the pier we drove over
to a hot spot in Hervey bay and had lunch at a club. We were going to go to Cold Rock (kinda like cold stone only not as good- but still delicious) but we got too full and saved it until we were with Sharnie's little brother so he could come with us after soccer. After we ate we went back to Sharnie's house and laid by the pool for the rest of the day until it was time to go back to the pub. It ended up being SO,
SO nice out all of Saturday, we tanned :). Once we decided we should be done tanning and swimming we all showered and got ready to go to the pub with Sharnie's little brother, parents and some of her parents family friends. It was really nice to sit outside by the beach and gossip and laugh. We probably stayed at the pub for an hour or two and then we went back to Sharnie's house and her Mom (Mum if your an Aussie) cooked us the best food! I wish I could cook all the food she made and make it look as nice and pretty and clean after wards, haha! So we just ate more then our stomachs could even handle and then we played a game of Scategories with the family friends that walked over for the dinner and her family. Just a couple neighbor's that lived really close came over and hung out for awhile. It was a lot of fun. We had a lot of good laughs (quite the ab workout)!
Sunday morning we left her parents house and drove home and since her little brother's soccer game on our way home we stopped to watch him play. It was fun even though it wasn't a real game it was just like a short scrimmage and it started raining. We didn't get too wet because the game got over right as it rained. Then we said bye and headed home.
When we got home I worked on my blogs and I worked out from 4:30-6, (I only remember that because the gym is only open for 2 hours on Sundays) I ran a 5K because I felt that I needed to work off some of my delicious food and then I rode the bikes for 8 miles and in between those two cardio activities I did weights, lunges, and did some abs. And then the rest of the week I worked out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then I didn't work out Thursday because I had my Relay for Life cancer night and I knew I was probably going to need to be rested for that because it was an all night track-a-thon pretty much ( haha, I made that name up and I will tell you more about why in my next post). It was intense but a lot of fun!
So that was my weekend at Sharnie's and now I will write a little blog (hopefully little) and post up some pictures of the experience I had for the cancer research event I attended all night yesterday. Friday starting at 6pm going all night until Saturday 7am! I will take a break before I start that blog :)
Once we got to Hervey Bay (3 hour drive) Sharnie showed us a couple hot spots in her town like her old school, friends houses, good pubs, etc. We got to her house and ate Pizza for dinner, gossiped with her parents for a few and then went to the pub so she could meet some of her friends. We got a drink and met some of her friends from her hometown and that was really fun. Then we went to this other place that was fun also. It was more fun laughing at her friends though because they had a couple of drinks and were planning on staying out. Natalie and I were really tired so we decided not to stay out too late. After we left the second place we just drove home and got ready for bed. Sharnie has the cutest dog named Herbey and I absolutely loved him! He was so cute and he loved me to. He made me really miss Abby! I love having dogs around and I don't think I will ever go through life without having a dog (or two) :). I wanted him to sleep with me but he has his own bed
Sunday morning we left her parents house and drove home and since her little brother's soccer game on our way home we stopped to watch him play. It was fun even though it wasn't a real game it was just like a short scrimmage and it started raining. We didn't get too wet because the game got over right as it rained. Then we said bye and headed home.
When we got home I worked on my blogs and I worked out from 4:30-6, (I only remember that because the gym is only open for 2 hours on Sundays) I ran a 5K because I felt that I needed to work off some of my delicious food and then I rode the bikes for 8 miles and in between those two cardio activities I did weights, lunges, and did some abs. And then the rest of the week I worked out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then I didn't work out Thursday because I had my Relay for Life cancer night and I knew I was probably going to need to be rested for that because it was an all night track-a-thon pretty much ( haha, I made that name up and I will tell you more about why in my next post). It was intense but a lot of fun!
So that was my weekend at Sharnie's and now I will write a little blog (hopefully little) and post up some pictures of the experience I had for the cancer research event I attended all night yesterday. Friday starting at 6pm going all night until Saturday 7am! I will take a break before I start that blog :)
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