Monday, March 14, 2011

Anas's Birthday AKA Kartoffel

As soon as we got home we stopped at Woolworths to get some groceries for the week and I had to get a cake to make for Anas.  It was his 24th birthday yesterday so I busted out my baking skills.  He is German so I made his cake in German with the help of my other German friend Timm, who is also friends with Anas.  We put our brains together and this is what we came up with: 

But I wrote it of course.  This says "Happy Birthday Anas you potato" HAHAHAHA!! Isn't that just great?! The heart is because people in Germany replace the first part of the word "happy" with a heart because "Herz" means "heart" and the whole word to say happy birthday is Herzlichen Guerwunsch so people in Germany usually just put a heart instead to save room and time.  Its kind of like how we do gr8 for great I guess.  That may be a poor example but you get this jist. And then the potato comes from Germany also.  Sometimes people call other people "Kartoffel" which means potato.  I think another poor example of this would be how we call people Clowns or Goofballs.  So it was a little tacky but hilarious too.  Anas got a kick out of it and was surprised at my German lingo.

A group of us went to dinner at an Indian restaurant that is walking distance from our apartments and we had a great time.  We were the only people in the place so we got all the attention.  My food was delicious.
Top row: Nathalie, Shiney, Me, Hayley, Alice.  Bottom Row: Yeappi (sp), Timm, Anas, Christian, Phil
 After we ate we walked home and played a few games at Anas's house and then went to bed since today is Monday and we all had class, well... at least some of us.

Today I woke up went to classes and worked on an assignment (a little, I didn't strain myself though) and went to the gym.  I ran 5K but not all together.  First I ran 3K and then I worked out abs and sides and arms and then before I left I ran another 2.5K so I got over a 5K in of running today which is really good.  I am trying to run and workout a lot more lately.  Last week I worked out and ran everyday Monday-Friday.  This week I will try to do the same.

Now I am just trying to finish typing this really fast so I can shower and head over to Anas's house because today is our cook off and it is my roomie Sebastian, Anas, and Ahmad's night to cook (it sounds like they have something really good so I hope Hayley and I can still beat them next week) :)!  So for now I am going to stop typing, take a shower and head upstairs.  I will write again soon... (I think)   :)!

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