After we got handbooks we went to the bookstore and got supplies for school (just not our school books yet) and then we went to the library and I got my computer hooked up to the WiFi in the library and in some buildings on campus. The whole campus is not WiFi here but there are some buildings that have it. Then we went to the International building so Sebastian could change a class while I talked to the STA Travel agent and got information on a weekend trip that I wanted to do. Then we went back to Uni Central (what our apartment complex is called) and I got my picture taken for my ID card.
On Tuesday there was a toga party at a night club called Fridays that everybody was going to. I didn't really want to go to the club so instead I just put on a toga and played at the pre-party at the Pavilion right in our apartments until 11pm. It was a lot of fun I think we went over there around 8 or 9 or something and then the last bus picked everybody up to go to Fridays at 11. There are always toga parties it seems like but I have never worn a toga at a toga party so that was interesting. Hayley went to room 90 and helped our friend Sharnie put on her toga and she came back and looked like a big huge knot so we decided that she didn't need to help anybody else with their togas. We had a pro from Saint Norbert come put ours on. But then I re did mine and let Hayley help me since she insisted on mastering that task, it turned out good :).
We broke some leaves off and put them on our togas and then I tied mine up with the black and pink ribbon that was on the champagne that Ian got me for V-day. So we just stayed there for a few hours then came back to the apartment and went to bed pretty early.
Yesterday was a really jam packed fun filled day. I woke up (with out an alarm again) around 6:40am and I was really bored so I decided that it would be a good idea to go to the beach before Sebastian and I had all of our school stuff on campus at 2pm. So my idea was go to the beach early, get back early to do some productive stuff on campus, relax a little bit before the South American night with $2 tacos and $3 drinks. So I woke up and tried to let Hayley sleep in a little bit but I just got too bored so I woke her up at 6:50 and proposed my daily plan to her. She liked it so we got up, told Sebastian, he was in on it also and we all ate cereal and walked to school to catch the 7:53am bus to Kings beach. It was really hot out but it rained half of the time we were on the bus so the beach idea wasn't as exciting at that time. We got off at our stop and walked down to the beach and all of the clouds went away and it was really hot out the whole time we were there. We laid out in the sun for awhile and then went swimming. Swimming was awesome, the waves were HUGE and Hayley taught Sebastian and I how to go under the waves if they looked really big. All of the waves were mostly bigger than us and it was really fun to just go under water when they came. You have to blow out your nose, lay out flat on the sand with your stomach on the sand and dig your fingers into the sand and kick your feet. Then you come up and the wave is gone. We just did that over and over and it was so much fun. Sometimes you can jump over the waves if they are small enough. There were like 100 people at the beach and that's what everybody does. Except the little kids that don't go out that far. Its hard to actually 'swim' there because of the waves so instead people just surf, and jump over or under the waves. The water is AMAZING! It is like a luke warm temperature but still really refreshing.
When we got home I showered and made a quick veggie sandwich with artichoke hearts, spinach, sprouts, olives, tomato, cucumber, avocado and a little mayo on it with my fresh bread from the bakery right by our house and that was delicious. There is a bakery where we get our bread and there is a fresh fruit and veggie store by our house also so we can get that stuff pretty easy. Everything else is pretty much a mile away and its a little adventure to go to the shopping center there but sometimes its necessary. Then Sebastian and I walked to campus to do our errands there (while skipping our writing class... oops).
Then we came home relaxed a little bit and then went to the store (the one that is a mile away) and got some stuff to get ready for our South American party. I just wore one of Hayley's dresses and a pair of my shoes but I bought some beads and fiber and made my own South Americany looking necklace. Nobody could find anything to wear or any other hats or anything so they just got some red and green feathers for their hair. But when we got there we all got sombreros to wear and I was excited because it matched my necklace that I made. When we got there we didn't get $2 tacos because I guess they were out which was a joke because it was only around 8ish and we all were starving. So we skipped dinner, at least we had some chips and salsa at home and Hayley and I shared a thing of ramen because we were starving. So at least we got to eat something little. We caught the earlier bus back home because we wanted to get up early today and go to the beach all day since today was the first day that there were no important presentations at school. When
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